Dana Point, California’s estimated population is 33,934 according to the most recent United States census estimates. Dana Point, California is the 230th largest city in California based on official 2017 estimates from the US Census Bureau.


(29.49%) 10,007
(83.8%) 28,437
(3.4%) 1,154
(1.5%) 509
(0.3%) 102
(11%) 3,733
Image Address Type Risk Type City St County Map Built Price Square Feet Price/ ft NOI Cap Rate Occupancy Avg NNN Land Size # Tenants Avg Term Avg HH Income Major Tenants
Image Address City St County Map Brochure Landlord Building Size (sf) Unit Size (sf) Office SF Built Ceiling Height Docks Grade Column Sprinklers NNN Rate Est Opex Gross Rate Monthly Gross Rate Cubic Feet Per Cubic Ft